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Liquid Metals Group








Ultra Light


Flexible Display

Liquid metal's fluidity lets it adapt to different shapes and surfaces, which is crucial for creating flexible displays that can bend, fold, and roll while maintaining functionality. This allows for new, innovative designs that traditional rigid materials can't achieve.


Our Focus Areas

Atomic-level amorphous structure of Liquid Metal produces absolute and unwavering solidity and malleability.

The use of liquid metal in flexible displays increases their resilience to mechanical stress, reducing the risk of damage from bending, folding, and stretching. 

Liquid metal’s high electrical conductivity ensures that flexible displays maintain high performance, with faster response times and better overall efficiency.

Flexible Display


First Titanium / Liquid Metal Matrix Technology application for golf clubs, which promises exceptional game handling. Far better target handling is only available with Titanium / Liquid Metal Matrix golf clubs. Elevate your performance with the most advanced metal alloy golf clubs in the golf industry.

Golf Clubs


Most advanced technology and unique experience


Liquid Metals Group redesigned the possibilities to the application, and its boundaries. The ultimate blending of materials with the Liquid Metal assures the top quality results used for real time application. Furthermore, the innovative research done with Kasetsart University (Materials Innovation Center) also redefined new possibilities.

Liquid Metal is also called Amorphous metal or Metallic glass. Most Liquid Metal alloy compositions made from Zirconium and other metals.

Wide range of applications 

The fluidity of liquid metal allows it to conform to various shapes and surfaces. This flexibility is essential for creating displays that can bend, fold, and roll without losing functionality, enabling new form factors that are impossible with traditional rigid materials.

Flexible Display


The unique properties of Liquid Metal, including its high density and malleability, resulting to increased distance, and improved accuracy, enabling golfers to achieve longer and more consistent shots on the course.

Golf Clubs


Diamond edge knives are less likely to chip or dull when used on hard materials, providing consistent performance in demanding kitchen environments.



Integrating Liquid Metal into ultra-light foam structures opens up a range of possibilities for creating advanced materials with tailored properties for specific applications in fields such as aerospace, electronics, healthcare, and energy storage.

Ultra Light Foam


The combination of low melting point, excellent fluidity, and superior wetting properties makes Liquid Metal alloys an ideal choice for precision molding applications where intricate shapes, fine details, and high-quality finishes are desired.

Finest Molding Metal Alloy


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